Why Your Bank Should Invest in Content

It’s easy to overlook the importance of content on your banking website. After all, there are plenty of other factors that matter, like paid media, web design, branding. The reality is, however, that content does matter. No matter how slick your website looks, if you don’t present important information through well-written content, current and potential clients will have a subpar experience while using your website.

Additionally, Google and other search engines pay attention to the quality of your site’s content. If search engines deem your content poorly written or lacking the information that users need, your search result ranks may tank.

Investing in content is investing in the future of your website—discover other ways content can help your financial institution below.

1. You Can Showcase Your Products and Services

The difference between acquiring a new client and becoming another forgettable financial service website in someone’s Google search is keeping people’s interest. If someone is preparing for retirement, and you provide exceptional retirement planning services, they need to know that. 

It may be easier to write “Retirement Planning” in a simple bullet point list than write out several paragraphs of long-form content, but your team will miss out on the opportunity to promote and display the banking products and services that potential clients want.

Whether it’s a short section or an entire page, dedicating written content to your important products and services will improve users’ experience on your website.

2. Quality Content Helps Build Relationships

Showcasing your products and services is an excellent stepping stone in optimizing your website. To truly connect with current and potential clients, however, you have to build relationships with them. The best way to do this? Create content that shows your expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. 

These three traits are so important, in fact, that Google created Medic, an algorithm that searches websites for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T). From your “About Us” page to your services and products, showing users through your content that they can and should trust you is critical.

3. Interesting Content Draws in Website Visitors

Speaking of E-A-T, a blog is an excellent way to produce meaningful content for your website. At a glance, a blog may seem pointless for banks and other financial institutions. After all, what could you possibly write about in a banking blog?

As it turns out, there’s a lot of useful banking and financial information people need and actively search for. Whether it’s tips for saving money, “how-to’s” for investing and planning, or even budget-friendly date ideas, users are constantly looking for solutions to improve the way they bank.

There’s no magic number of blog posts that can guarantee an improvement in your search engine ranking. That being said, having a blog will still positively impact your SEO, as Google and other search engines recognize sites that include useful, quality information that users need.

4. Content Helps Strengthen Your Brand

The content on your website can either make or break your brand. That’s why it’s crucial to establish your team as knowledgeable professionals through a consistent, friendly writing tone.

A common content mistake that can harm your brand image is spelling or grammatical errors. Improperly-written content can lower your site’s user experience quality of your site and cause potential clients to question your trustworthiness and authority. 

Even formatting is crucial to strengthening your brand. Titles, headers, and calls to action are excellent places to showcase your values and mission as a business.

Discover the Value of Quality Content

Excellent content is vital to the success of any company’s website. But there’s more to content marketing than crafting interesting blog posts or knowing when to use a semicolon. In addition to writing well, content marketing requires extensive planning and effort, all driven by data and research.

While you can always tackle your bank or financial service’s online content on your own, there’s an easier solution: Go Local Interactive’s team of content experts. From building an SEO-driven banking blog  to expanding your site’s overall content strategy, you can depend on us.

Contact us and discover how we can elevate your bank or financial service’s content today!

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